Both parapet vents are installed under capstones. Vented Drip Edge is installed on the exterior side of a parapet wall and Vented Receiver Clip is installed on the interior side of a parapet wall. Vented Drip Edge can also be installed on the interior side of the parapet for aesthetic purposes.
Both vents are a combination of Stainless Steel Metal Flashing and plastic airflow pathways. The metal profiles direct water away from the sides of parapet walls. The metal, combined with our Vapor Permeable Membrane installed below and self-adhered mason's vinyl flashing installed on top prevents all future water intrusion through the top of the parapet.
The plastic airflow pathways allow airflow into, across and and out of a parapet wall allowing trapped moisture vapor to exhaust from the wall core to the exterior. See details below.
Do the math -
Standard 180' perimeter on 3-flat in Chicago
7.2 CFM x 180 linear feet = 1296 CFM!
Client in Tampa –
"I was sitting on the roof and the steam coming out of the parapet actually burned my legs."
WickRight has monitored 15 buildings with Capstone Vented Drip Edge/Vented Receiver Clip or Metal Coping Vent and Low-Slope Roof Vent installations 36 months post installation.
Typical Results:
WickRight Vented Flashings dry out Wet Masonry Parapets with Capstones, Metal Copings or Clay Coping Tiles.
Shown - WickRight membrane installed on brick and block parapet finished with Renaissance Stone capstones. Wall was finished with Capstone Vented Drip Edge installed on both sides of the wall.
Project completed in 2017 by a masonry team hired by the building owner and trained onsite by WickRight. No call backs!
Think WickRight might solve your client's leak issues? Give us a call.
WickRight Flat Roof Vent is compatible with most roofing materials, including Modified Bitumen, TPO and EDPM.
Shown - WickRight Roof Vent installed on a leaking brick/block parapet wall. Custom vented roof sheathing installed to dry out water saturated roof system.
This project was completed under a 365 Construction Tent which kept the project dry and eliminated opening and closing of the roof during the 3-month repair.
Project completed in 2018 – no issues post installation.
WickRight vent system installed on leaking split face block wall with limestone capstones.
WickRight Flat Roof Vent allows heat and moisture vapor to exit the roof system reducing natural condensation accumulation at the junction of the roof and parapet wall.
Shown - WickRight Offset Counter Flashing and bugscreen being installed to protect the roof system from rain and insects.
Project completed in 2020 - No call backs.
Designed for use on Masonry Parapets with Capstones, Metal Copings or Clay Coping Tiles.
Shown - WickRight membrane installed on parapet that will have Capstone VRS installed on both sides of the wall.
Project completed in 2017 by a masonry team hired by the building owner and trained onsite by WickRight. No call backs!
Compatible with most roofing materials, including Modified Bitumen, TPO and EDPM.
Shown - WickRight Roof VRS installed on a brick/block parapet wall. Custom vented roof sheathing installed to dry out saturated roof system.
Project completed in 2018 – no leaks, or funky smells, since installation.
"I have, personally, seen this product installed on a number of buildings and find it to be one of the most innovative construction products, ever. It solves both the problems of flashing and venting, all in one."
– William Decker, Certified Master Inspector
Decker Homes Services
Website: www.deckerhomesservices.com
"...New buildings have huge amounts of plastic materials, they don't "breathe." They are loaded with tree-farm grown and engineered lumber that is structurally adequate if kept dry, but extremely susceptible to moisture problems. Wet tree-farm lumber grows mold quickly and the material rots.
Even if there isn't any visible damage, there can be serious problems brewing. In addition, indoor air quality is greatly effected by moisture hidden in the walls causing mold growth ...
It's not good enough to treat a building with sealant and walk away thinking the problem is solved, because it's not. In some cases, sealants accelerate problems; they keep water out, but they also keep water in.
It's necessary to have continuous venting and vapor transfer out of the masonry. WickRight products and building repair techniques were perfected in the field, actually repairing buildings; it's not an abstract concept... WickRight is a necessary component of any moisture damage repair ... No other repair systems even come close to the WickRight systems, which are adaptable to all manner of buildings and all sorts of configurations ...
I've seen the WickRight systems work, and I would recommend it to anyone that is having moisture related problems with their building. I'd even recommend WickRight installation to homeowner's that aren't currently experiencing water problems as a preventative measure to insure that their home has satisfactory indoor air quality for healthy living."
– Kurt Mitenbuler
Home Inspector, Moisture Intrusion Expert
Website: https://kurtmitenbuler.com/
WickRight Passive Ventilation is always evolving. We now offer engineered vapor release pathways for buildings with issues stemming from:
Feel free to download the information sheets to share with colleagues and clients.
WickRight Parapet Vent®, WickRight Coping VRS™, WickRight Capstone VRS™, WickRight Clip Coping VRS™, WickRight Roof VRS™, WickRight Hip & Valley VRS™ and WickRight Perimeter VRS™ are patented products and trademarks owned by WickRight Inc. WickRight Parapet Vent® is a registered trademark of WickRight, Inc. WickRight™, WickRight VRS and Vapor Release Systems™, Buildings Breathe Right™ are trademarks of WickRight Inc.
All Rights Reserved | WickRight Inc. | Website design by Knight Advertising Design, Inc.