Parapets take a beating everyday. Rain, wind, snow and sun from all sides. This leads to erosion and leaking. No matter how a masonry parapet is constructed, installing WickRight Parapet Vents stops leaking, dries out the parapet and keep it dry. WickRight Parapet Vents also work on frame parapets and masonry/frame parapets.
WickRight is designed for installation under Capstones, Metal Copings & Clay Copings.
No matter how a parapet is constructed – brick, block, jumbo-block, half-highs, split face block, rock face block, stone, cast stone or any combination.
Install WickRight Parapet Vents to keep parapets dry.
Parapets take a beating everyday. Rain, wind, snow and sun from both sides. This leads to erosion and leaking. No matter how a parapet is constructed – brick, block, jumbo-block, half-highs, split face block, rock face block, stone, pre-cast concrete, Renaissance Stone or any combination of these materials – installing WickRight parapet vents will dry it out and help keep it dry.
WickRight Capstone Vented Drip Edge, Vented Receiver Clip and Membrane prevent moisture intrusion and provides venting AND flashing to direct moisture away from masonry.
Membrane stats:
Vented Drip Edge and Vented Receiver Clip stats:
Multiply by the perimeter measurement of a building to understand the TRUE drying effect and how a building becomes healthy and smell-free quickly and efficiently.
Click on pictures below to enlarge.
WickRight parapet products are a combination of venting and flashing, plus our Membrane that protects AND vents.
Do the Math!
Multiple by the average building perimeter of 180' - for a
REAL drying effect and a smell-free building.
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Install under Capstone & Clip Coping - 108 perms, virtually waterproof
Install under capstones - like masonry drip edge - but vented!
Install under capstones interior side of parapet - pair with vented drip edge
WickRight parapet products are a combination of venting and flashing, plus our Membrane which protects AND vents.
Multiple by the average building perimeter of 180' - for a REAL drying effect and a smell-free building.
Click images below to enlarge.
Install under Vented Drip Edge and Vented Receiver Clip - 108 perm rating, virtually waterproof
Install under capstones - common masonry drip edge - but vented!
Install under capstones interior side of parapet - vented drip edge w/ receiver clip
Install WickRight Metal Coping Vent under metal copings with 4" or longer legs to prevent moisture intrusion AND ventilation.
Installing membrane with Metal Coping Vent is optional, but recommended in areas where driving rains are common.
Do not install a wood nailer - the nailer blocks moisture vapor release and isn't necessary when proper fasteners are used.
For Miami Dade code areas, call to discuss fastener options.
Click on pictures below to enlarge.
Old world charm + new mortars
= new world problems!
WickRight Clay Coping Vent installed under clay copings gives your clients the best of both worlds. The natural breathe-ability of clay AND the moisture protection of WickRight's Clay Coping Vent and custom 2-piece counter flashing works.
Our construction division re-installs clay copings using
backer rod and polyurethane sealant – instead of mortar. Give us a call to chat about our highly successful installation method!
Click on pictures below to enlarge.
Clay Coping Vent, membrane, counter flashing and bugscreen
Old world charm + new mortars = new world problems!
Install WickRight Vapor Permeable Membrane and Clay Coping Vent under clay copings to get the best of both worlds. Beauty and natural breathe-ability of clay with moisture protection of WickRight's Clay Coping Vent, moisture vapor permeable membrane, 2-piece counter flashing and bug screen.
Be sure to talk to Bob Kelly about how WickRight General Contracting re-installs the clay copings with polyurethane sealant - instead of mortar.
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Metal copings are your best bet for a dry parapet - but if the parapet is already wet, ditch the lumber nailer and install our Metal Coping Vent under a new metal coping with no less than 4" legs on both sides. Our Vapor Permeable Membrane is optional under metal copings, but is an added layer of protection if a wind driven rain is common or a caulk seam fails.
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Install under Vented Drip Edge, Vented Receiver Clip, over Clay Coping Vent and under Metal Copings for even more moisture intrusion protection!
Install under Metal Cleat and Copings
with Flat Roof Vent
Yes, seal the walls, but VENT them first. We believe all CMU, especially split face block, should be sealed to prevent water intrusion. All hard mortar types should also be sealed.
However - if you're working on a WET building, you don't want to SEAL trapped water in the walls. Imagine a 90ª day with sun beating down on a sealed wet wall with no exhaust path. Moisture vapor expands up 1600x. It has to go somewhere – so it leaks into the building, destroying trusses, drywall, crown molding and baseboards.
WickRight General Contracting's installation team uses siloxane-based sealants to manufacturer specs. We do not recommend water-based, "environmentally friendly" sealants. They do not work as well nor last as long as siloxane-based sealants.
It depends on who you ask. We say, not well enough to prevent moisture intrusion.
How WickRight General Contracting's team deals with cast concrete and Renaissance stone details...
If a detail
ISN'T structural – We remove it, flash behind it to divert water to the exterior of the building and away from other "stone", reinstall it AND attempt to seal it.
If a detail
structural – We attempt to seal it, then design flashings, cornices or awnings to divert rain water from hitting it or sitting on it.
WickRight Parapet Vent®, WickRight Coping VRS™, WickRight Capstone VRS™, WickRight Clip Coping VRS™, WickRight Roof VRS™, WickRight Hip & Valley VRS™ and WickRight Perimeter VRS™ are patented products and trademarks owned by WickRight Inc. WickRight Parapet Vent® is a registered trademark of WickRight, Inc. WickRight™, WickRight VRS and Vapor Release Systems™, Buildings Breathe Right™ are trademarks of WickRight Inc.
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